Friday, July 31, 2009

The intern wore flip-flops to the office today, was this fair?

So I stepped on his hand when he was picking up a pen then spilled hot coffee on his feet, then sent him home. Don't you just hate flip-flops?

The intern wore flip-flops to the office today, was this fair?
Actually, this new trend makes me livid.

I had no idea I was at the beach. Oh, that's right. I'm not. Put on your damn shoes, bastards!

God Bless you!
Reply:I hate Crocs even more have you ever seen an uglier shoe in your life??????? I don't care if they are comfortable they hurt my eyes to look at them.
Reply:That was fair.
Reply:did he know he wasent supose to wear flip flops? I think your actions where a bit mean and over the top. You could have simply asked him not to wear them agian or had him go home and change. And I agree with the girl who said she cant stand people that pay a lot for designer flip flops, I mean come on there flip flops they all serve the same purpose, go to walmart and get some for like 2 or 3 bucks.
Reply:lol, yes i do

i thought it was just me

they are hardly suitable attire for work

unless you work at the beach

go you!
Reply:you did the right thing, no matter what your legal team tells you. flip flops have no place in the office.
Reply:you're just jealous because you can't wear them, they don't work well with webbed feet. hater!
Reply:I bet you if it were a female wearing flip flops you would have found a way to caress her feet. Perhaps by dropping your pen next to them.
Reply:A bit excessive, but..I agree. No flip flops at work.
Reply:No, I am wearing them right now? What are ya gonna do bald man!!?
Reply:Yes. %26amp; i also hate how much money ppl will pay for 'designer flip-flops'
Reply:should have donkey punched him

books title c

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