Saturday, July 25, 2009

Do you think schools should ban sandals and flip flops?

I’ve been an elementary teacher going on my tenth year. When I first started teaching just about every child at the school wore shoes and socks. Today I would say about half my students either wear sandals, flip flops or shoes with no socks. The district handbook says no flip-flops, but the school does not enforce it because of parent’s complaining their child is being singled out. I have had two students fall and hurt themselves due to wearing improper footwear. I have also noticed the kids do not move as well on the playground when not wear sneakers. I'm worried these kids are going to have a hard time wearing real shoes when they get older not to mention the foot problems they will have from wearing shoes with poor support. Don't get me started on the smell when one of these "no sock" wearing kids take their shoes off!

Do you let your child wear sandals and flip flops to school? Do you think schools should require proper well fitting shoes with socks?

Do you think schools should ban sandals and flip flops?

Maybe my family and I aren't,"cool,"but I have never allowed my daughter to go to school in flip flops or sandals. Why you might ask? Has anyone ever seen a child running with flip flops or sandals on and then do a face plant right on the good old pavement or cement? nine times out of ten there goes some permanent teeth,blood is pouring out of the child's mouth and an emergency trip to the local hospital is in store.

Just imagine trying to comfort a screaming child when you know in your heart that their injury is really serious and it could have been prevented if the child's parents would have had them wear a really good pair of sneakers or tennis shoes.

My daughter begs for sandals and flip flops all of the time but I remind her that we have paid good money for her to have healthy teeth and I don't want to see her lose those teeth because she just has to have the latest pair of sandals or flip flops and falls right on her face on the pavement or cement.

As a matter of fact,my daughter's elementary school is going ot make it MANDATORY starting this school year,that if any child is seen wearing flip flops or sandals,they will be excused from school until the parents buy that child a pair of sneakers or tennis shoes,and then the child will be welcome to come back to school.

I am sure that some people will say that schools are overreacting if they don't allow children to wear flip flops or sandals,but I strongly disagree. Just think how much dental work and money parents could save their child from if they just enforced the rules and made that child wear ONLY tennis shoes or sneakers instead of flip flops or sandals! ;-)
Reply:My kids wear shoes and socks even when they are not is school. So they have no desire to wear flip flops. And yes I think they should be banned for safety.
Reply:Well, I'm a 10th grader and I currently live in Georgia. I have to wear socks with tennis shoes for marching band, but during the day, because of the hot temperatures, I like wearing flip flops. So, when 7th period rolls around I just put on my socks and shoes and go play my tuba. My school allows flip flops, but I completely agree with what I've been seeing, there should be some form that if you don't abide by the handbook, then the school isn't liable for any injuries.
Reply:being from the south i can understand not wanting to wear socks and sneakers....however, if the school's policy is no sandals/flipflops and a child (and his/her parent) doesn't follow the guidelines then the parents should be held responsible for any injuries (there should be some form they sign saying that if they do not comply with the handbook the school cannot be held accountable)
Reply:HAHAHA! I'm going to school for teaching. I think there are a lot more issues that I would take up than this one. I also think that flip flops and sandals are almost mandatory here, I live in AZ and the Temp gets over 110 some days. It's not practicle to have the students wearing socks and shoes in the summer. It increases my body temp (or so it feels like) so I can totally understand whats going on with the kids.

Another thing if your school doesn't plan on enforcing a rule they should not have it. If you really want the rule enforced send out a letter outlinning the rules of the dress code at the begining of each year. Explain in the letter that you will be enforcing the code, and stick with it. Get a bunch of the teachers on board with you and that way no one can say that their child is being singled out. Also make sure the principle is on board, he will be the one hearing from the parents when you explain the new dress code crack down. I still feel that there is more important fights you could be fighting, but if this is the one that has gotten under your skin go for it. Just don't turn into a drill sargent, possibly make it a thematic unit kind of thing, have fun with it.
Reply:Sandals that strap around the ankle should be allowed.

Flip flops should not. Theyre annoying sounding.
Reply:At our elementary school (I am a parent %26amp; staff member) the rules state no open toed shoes. That does not mean it is enforced. I think that our admin. feels that we are lucky if our lower income students have shoes at all. I watch children run and play on the playground with flip flops on, and while I have not seen any injuries from them, they could easily happen.

I feel that at the elementary level shoes should be closed toe. As for the sock issue, I am not sure why the children would be taking their shoes off so if they don't want to wear socks that is not nearly as big of an issue to me.
Reply:My child doesn't like flip-flops so I don't have to worry about her falling.
Reply:If they are young kids still playing on the playground flip flops shouldn't be worn... They can really hurt their feet..
Reply:The schools need to send parents a letter stating the kids are to wear shoes.They are also to leave them on on school property.Sandals I might would let slide, if they are secured on well, but flip flops are dangerous to run in.
Reply:Arent there more important things to worry about?
Reply:yes I do
Reply:i would never let my kid wear sandals/flipflops to school ANY day
Reply:Its funny how things vary from place to place. I graduated from highschool 5 years ago and we were NEVER allowed to wear shoes without socks.
Reply:our schools don't allow flip flops.
Reply:Kids should be allowed sandals; closed shoes don't allow the foot to breathe. They may protect against minor injuries but really how serious is a scraped toe? Closed shoes increase/aggravate many problems as sweaty feet and fungus, especially when they must be worn when it's hot. Fungus loves dark, damp and warm places to grow! Support is way overrated and can even cause problems of its own too; see some of the links in the source about athletic footwear and injuries.

I grew up without any dress code really, we always wore slippers, flipflops, sandals to school and I can't recall any injuries. For the past ten years of my life I've even been barefoot everywhere and I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year, never had a cut, and in fact I've never been as healthy overall... used to be cold all the time, sickly from early fall until late spring no matter how many doctor's visits I made, but in the past ten years I've called in sick once (for all of two days). There are many sites showing closed footwear worn at all times does more harm than good.
Reply:I think they should ban any shoes without backs, be it sandal, flip-flops or clogs. I've seen too many children fall and hurt themselves while trying to run and play. And while they are at it, they ought to ban high heels for elementary school kids for the same reason. The sock thing is a matter of personal preference and I can't see any rationale for not letting kids go without. If their feet are that bad the other kids will let them know.
Reply:Me and my parents used to think that was such a stupid rule when I was in elementary school.
Reply:I do not allow my kids (going into to 5th and 7th grades) where sandals, flip flops or shoes with socks. They both enjoy "recess" and fortunately they realize that wearing improper footwear hampers this ability. I think a good sandal with proper straps (on front and back) is OK but they don't protect those little toes from getting stepped on and injured. And I feel for you with the no sock wearing kicks -- ewwww STINKY!!!! Schools are there to protecting our children and the parents who complain about no flip flops are not thinking clearly about the safety of their children. In Jr. High the school does not allow a heal over 2 inches, thank goodness!
Reply:no I love flip flops


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